Sections 65 - 66: 4-H Fitting & Showing / Dairy Goats

General Requirements:   All animals are subject to inspection for general health upon presentation for admission. Animals showing symptoms of any contagious or infectious disease including ringworm, warts and pink eye, must be removed from the show or fair at time of inspection. Approval of all entries for the first showing in Maryland will extend through the show season, providing the status of the herd of origin, or of the identified animals, does not change.

General Entry Rules & Regulations: Livestock

All livestock entry sheets must be received or postmarked by August 15, 2022. Please make sure for each animal listed that an eartag number and birth date are also listed. Be sure to indicate the number of pens/stalls requested for your animals. Make special pen/stall requests as clear as possible! (Example: Special request for a stall for a cow and calf.)

Livestock exhibitors must attach a copy of the Health Certificate for Show form when submitting entry.

Health and registration papers must be made available for inspection by authorized Fair personnel at the time of entry into the Fair and at any other time deemed necessary by the Fair.

For 2019 the Prince George's County Fair will be having one-day livestock shows. Animals will not be expected to spend the night at the Fair.

Goats for both Open Class and 4-H will be accepted on Sunday, September 11, 2022. The goat show will begin at 1100am. (It is requested that the animals arrive one hour prior to the show, if possible.)

All exhibitors must check in at the Registration Table in their area. Health and Registration papers must be presented to authorized Fair personnel and the State Veterinarian at time of check-in for inspection. No animals may be moved into stalls/pens until the check-in process is complete. All market animals will be weighed at check-in.

All animals must remain in assigned pens except during show preparation and when in competition.

The Fair will NOT furnish bedding for livestock. Sand will be in hog pens and shavings in poultry pens.

No exhibitor or parent may take more than two premiums in any class.

Entries in the division are open to anyone in the 5 Southern Maryland counties.

Breed classes will be determined by number of entries per class.

Market animals (goats, cattle, sheep, swine) may not be shown as breeding stock. A maximum of 3 market goats, 3 market sheep and 3 market swine may be entered by an exhibitor.

Grand Champion and Best in Show will be awarded only if there is competition.

Registration Papers will be checked in Sheep and Dairy Departments.

Registration Papers will be checked on Breeding Animals.

Note: All sections in this division are open to persons limited by physical handicap or mental capacity.


Rules & Regulations for Dairy Goats

Goats (In addition to the general requirements) :   All goats must be individually identified by eartag or tattoo, and registration.


1. Originate directly from a Pseudorabies Qualified Negative Herd or from a Pseudorabies Monitored Herd (Include herd certification number on form), or
2. Have a negative brucellosis test within thirty (30) days prior to date of entry.

Caseous Lymphadenitis

Goats should be free of evidence of caseous lymphadenitis. It should be noted that caseous lymphadenitis is considered to be a contagious and infectious disease, and therefore is regulated by the General Provisions. Scrapies ID tag required. 


General Rules

Additional rules pertaining to ages and breeds are found in the class schedule. Exceptions to open class rules are as follows:

1. 4-H Livestock Shows are open to all 4-H and FFA members in the five (5) Southern Maryland Counties.

2. Judging of Fitting and Showing Contest will be as follows: in a fitting and showing contest it is the exhibitor, not the animal, who is being judged. Showmanship will account for 60% of the judge's decision. This will include handling and presenting the animal and grooming of the animal. For the exhibitor it includes alertness to judge's directions, neat and appropriate attire, and courtesy to other exhibitors. Fitting will account for approximately 20% of the judge's decision. An exhibitor not in control of his or her animal will be dismissed. Exhibitors of swine will not be asked to demonstrate their grooming skills in the ring. During the contest, the judge will ask the exhibitors questions about the feeding, breeding and management of that type of livestock. Exhibitors will then be asked to parade the animal in the show ring. Animals will then be placed, with the judge giving oral reasons for placement. 4-H'ers will declare Fitting and Showing animal at check-in.

Proper attire will be required in all livestock fitting and showing contests:

Boys: White slacks, white shirt, green or black tie.
Girls: White skirt or slacks, green or black neckpiece. 

Section 65: 4-H Fitting & Showing - Dairy Goats

Class Fitting & Showing - Dairy Goats 1st 2nd 3th 4th 5th 6th
6501 Junior (8-10)* $15 $12 $10 $8 $6 $5
6502 Intermediate (11-13)* $15 $12 $10 $8 $6 $5
6503 Senior (14-18)* $15 $12 $10 $8 $6 $5
* Age as of January 1 of current year.

Class Fitting & Showing - Dairy Goats Awarded
6531 Champion Trophy & Rosette
6532 Reserve Champion Trophy & Rosette

Section 66: 4-H Dairy Goats, All Breeds & Recorded Grades

Class 4-H Dairy Goats 1st 2nd 3th 4th 5th 6th
    $20 $15 $12 $10 $8 $7

6601 Junior Kids, Born on or after April 1, 2015
6602 Senior Kids, Born between December 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016
6603 Dry Yearlings, Born on/before November 30, 2015; under 2 years
6605 Milking yearling, Doe under 2 years of age in milk
6606 Doe in Milk, 2 years and under 3 years
6607 Doe in Milk, 3 years and under 4 years
6608 Doe in Milk, 4 years and older
6630 Best in Show
Class 4-H Dairy Goats Awarded
6640 Junior Champion Rosette
6641 Reserve Junior Champion Rosette
6642 Senior Champion Rosette
6643 Reserve Senior Champion Rosette
6644 Grand Champion Rosette
6645 Reserve Grand Champion Rosette